BOSCH ボッシュ 8 In. x 8 In. Tamper Plate 1-1/8 In. Hex Hammer Steel HS2125
【商品名】BOSCH ボッシュ 8 In. x 8 In. Tamper Plate 1-1/8 In. Hex Hammer Steel HS2125ボッシュ8インチ。 x 8 in。タンパープレート1-1/8インチ。ヘックスハンマースチールHS2125【カテゴリー】Hex-Shank Drill Bits(ヘックスシャンクドリルビット) : BOSCH【商品名】・EFFICIENT: The Bosch Tamper Plate efficiently compacts backfill and gravel, and combined with the tamper plate shank for tough hammer steel.・COMPATIBLE: It works with a variety of hammer shank systems ? SDS-max, spline/round hex and 3/4 In. hex.